{ Advanced Terminal Exercises. }

Use the following text file to answer the questions

  1. Replace all of the - with : using sed
  2. Return a file with just the first name and last name separated by a space (you can do this with cut and sed or just sed)
  1. Using cut print out just the numbers 2, 3, 4, 5. Use xargs to print them all on 1 line
  2. Using xargs in the ./Desktop directory, find all of the files that include the text Welcome
  3. Write a shell script called access_file.sh which accepts one parameter and changes the permissions to 755
  4. Write a shell script called unaccessible_sh.sh which accepts one parameter and changes the permissions to 300
  5. Using sed write the command to replace all instances of the name "foo" with the string "bar" in a file called baz.txt
  6. Write the command to only print out all of the pids using awk
  7. Type in the df -h command - it will show you much space you have on your hard drive. Using the awk command, print out only the first percentage capacity.

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