By the end of this chapter, you should be able to:
life cycle method for AJAX requestscomponentWillUnmount
method to clean up any state the component needs to removecomponentDidCatch
So far we have seen how to create components, render components, and pass down props to child components.
Each component has several “lifecycle methods” that you can tap into to run code at particular times in the process.
The idea of lifecycle methods or hooks is not new to React, you might have seen "hooks" before with Mongoose (pre/post save/remove hooks), Mocha/Jasmine (beforeEach / afterEach hooks). All we are doing here is running some code at a certain period in the existance (or lifecycle) of the component.
As a hint, all methods prefixed with will are called right before something happens, and methods prefixed with did are called right after something happens. Since there are quite a few methods, let's first break down the lifecycle into few categories.
Initialization / Mounting - When a component is rendered for the first time
Updating - When new props are passed, setState
is called or forceUpdate
is invoked. forceUpdate
is a method you should almost never use - you can read more about it here
Removing a Component / Unmounting - When a component is removed (also called unmounting)
As of React 16.3, quite a few of these lifecycle methods have been renamed and will be deprecated in React 17, you will see more information when learning about that specific method. Memorizing all of these methods will not be beneficial, what's important to understand now is the lifecycle of a component and 2 or 3 of the methods you will be using. Here is a fantastic diagram where you can see these in action
When a component gets rendered for the first time, we can tap into quite a few life cycle hooks.
Before the component is mounted, the constructor
in the Component is run. Using ES2015
syntax, this is where initial state is set, and where any method binding occurs.
In your constructor there are few things to stay away from including:
this.state = {}
)static getDerivedStateFromProps(nextProps, prevState)
is invoked after a component is instantiated as well as when it receives new props. It should return an object to update state, or null to indicate that the new props do not require any state updates. Notice that this is a static
method and must be prefixed with the static
Calling this.setState()
generally doesn’t trigger getDerivedStateFromProps()
(UNSAFE_componentWillMount())The first life cycle method we haven't seen before is componentWillMount
, which is called before the render
method is executed the first time. Since this method is called before render
, this means that the component has not been added to the DOM yet and we cannot use React refs. It is important to note that setting the state in this phase will not trigger a re-rendering (since nothing has been rendered!).
componentWillMount(){ console.log('In componentWillMount'); // nothing has rendered yet // Props have been initialized console.log(this.props); // State has been initialized console.log(this.state); }
The componentWillMount
method is not used as frequently as the next method we will discuss, comonentDidMount
. Sometimes you will see it used for initial configuration of the component, but this can also often be done directly in the constructor
. In both life cycle methods you have access to props
and state
, but not much else. This method will be deprecated in React 17 and methods like componentDidMount or getDerivedStateFromProps should be used instead. It will be renamed to UNSAFE_componentWillMount()
Right after componentWillMount
is invoked, the render
method is invoked and the returned markup is added to the DOM.
After the component renders (also known as mounting), componentDidMount
will be invoked. Since the component has rendered, we can access the DOM from this method.
// the component mounted! Let's do some DOM stuff
Very commonly, when a component is rendered, an AJAX
call is made to change state in the component. This is done in the componentDidMount
. We will also make use of this lifecycle method when learning about asynchronous actions with redux and react.
Calling setState()
in this method will trigger an extra rendering, but it will happen before the browser updates the screen. This guarantees that even though the render() will be called twice in this case, the user won’t see the intermediate state. Use this pattern with caution because it often causes performance issues.
It can, however, be necessary for cases like modals and tooltips when you need to measure a DOM node before rendering something that depends on its size or position.
You can’t guarantee the AJAX request won’t resolve before the component mounts. If it did, that would mean that you’d be trying to setState on an unmounted component, which not only won’t work, but React will yell at you for. Doing AJAX in componentDidMount will guarantee that there’s a component to update.
We are going to make a component that renders state which was received from an AJAX request. To make our AJAX request, we'll use an AJAX library called axios
. You can check out the axios documentation to see all of the library's functionality. We will be using it to make a HTTP GET request.
First, add axios
as a dependency to your applicaiton:
npm install --save axios
Next, try out the following code that uses the icanhazdadjoke to get joke data:
import React, { Component } from "react"; import axios from "axios"; class Jokes extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { jokes: [] }; } componentDidMount() { axios .get(`https://icanhazdadjoke.com/search?term=movie`, { headers: { Accept: "application/json" } }) .then(response => { const jokes = response.data.results.map(joke => ({ id: joke.id, text: joke.joke })); this.setState({ jokes }); }); } render() { let data = "Sorry, no joke results yet"; if (this.state.jokes.length > 0) { data = this.state.jokes.map(joke => ( <div key={joke.id}> <p>{joke.text}</p> </div> )); } return <div>{data}</div>; } } export default Jokes;
The above code makes a GET request to https://icanhazdadjoke.com/search?term=movie
. The result of the request is all cheesy jokes with the word "movie" in them. Once the response is returned, the callback inside of .then
is invoked and we use map
to convert the results into an array that contains the joke id
and the joke text
To recap initialization, these are the steps that take place when a component is first created and rendered in the DOM:
method is run and default state and props are set as well as any method binding (using bind
to set the correct value of the keyword this
)static getDerivedStateFromProps
is invokedUNSAFE_componentWillMount
is invokedrender
is invokedcomponentDidMount
is invokedWhenever we call setState
, we can tap into quite a few life cycle hooks:
(UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps)This life cycle method is only called when the props have changed and when this is not an initial rendering. componentWillReceiveProps
allows us to update the state depending on the existing and upcoming props before the render
method has been called. This is essential when you want to intercept the passing down of props from a parent component to a child component. For example, maybe you want to set some state only when a particular prop is about to change, but not otherwise. This method will be deprecated in React 17 and will be renamed to UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps()
componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) { if (this.props.someProp !== nextProps.someProp) { this.setState({ // set some state }); } }
static getDerivedStateFromProps
This method as described above is a more modern way to change state depending on changes to the component and should be used instead of componentWillReceiveProps
By default, when a parent component updates, all children are re-rendered as well. But shouldComponentUpdate
allows us to pass on a re-rendering if we know one is not needed. This function should return a boolean; if it's true
, the component will render, and if it's false
, the component won't.
shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState) { // return a boolean value // true tells react that the component should be updated // after a call to setState return true; }
Be very careful with your use of the shouldComponentUpdate
life cycle method. This is an advanced optimization that should only be used after you understand React well. Typically React is very good at optimizing changes to the DOM.
gets called as soon as the the shouldComponentUpdate returns true. This is sort of analogous to the componentWillMount
hook; the difference now is that we're updating an existing component, not mounting a new one. You cannot call setState
here. If you need to update state in response to a change in props, use getDerivedStateFromPRops
instead. This method will be deprecated in React 17 and methods like getDerivedStateFromProps should be used instead. It will be renamed to UNSAFE_componentWillUpdate()
componentWillUpdate(nextProps, nextState){
// perform any preparations for an upcoming update
We've seen this one before! Just always remember - changing state triggers a re-render unless you modify shouldComponentUpdate
getSnapshotBeforeUpdate(prevProps, prevState){
// perform any preparations for an upcoming update
is invoked right before the most recently rendered output is committed to e.g. the DOM. It enables your component to capture current values (e.g. scroll position) before they are potentially changed. Any value returned by this lifecycle will be passed as a parameter to componentDidUpdate()
. This method is a bit more advanced as well and is necessary to support a newer feature of React called async rendering.
Finally componentDidUpdate
is called after the render method, and is similar to the componentDidMount
componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState){
// component just updated!
As with componentDidMount
, componentDidUpdate
is a good place to make any AJAX requests for data after an update. An example of this could be an "autosave" feature. componentDidUpdate
is also useful if you need to update anything outside of React (external libraries) with new data.
To recap what happens when setState
runs - if it returns false, render
does not runcomponentWillUpdate
The only method we haven't examined yet is the componentWillUnmount
which gets called before the component is removed from the DOM. This method can be beneficial when needing to perform cleanup operations, i.e. removing any timers defined in componentDidMount
componentWillUnmount(){ // remove an event listener // clear a timeout // remove any reference to variables you will not be using to ensure there are no memory leaks }
Let's look at an example of a component that that has a setInterval
that needs to be cleared before the component is unmounted.
import React, { Component } from "react"; class ColoredBox extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { backgroundColor: "yellow", intervalId: null }; } componentDidMount() { const intervalId = setInterval(() => { this.setState((prevState, props) => { const backgroundColor = prevState.backgroundColor === "yellow" ? "red" : "yellow"; console.log(`Changing color to ${backgroundColor}`); return { backgroundColor }; }); }, 1000); this.setState({ intervalId }); } componentWillUnmount() { clearInterval(this.state.intervalId); console.log(`Interval ${this.state.intervalId} has been cleared`); } render() { const style = { width: "100px", height: "100px", backgroundColor: this.state.backgroundColor }; return <div style={style} />; } } export default ColoredBox;
You can see in the example that when the component is unmounted, the interval will be cleared in the componentWillUnmount
life cycle method. To see the unmount life cycle event being invoked, set up the following BoxContainer
component that uses the ColoredBox
import React, { Component } from "react"; import ColoredBox from "./ColoredBox"; export default class BoxContainer extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { showBox: true }; } componentDidMount() { setTimeout(() => { this.setState({ showBox: false }); }, 7500); } render() { let markup = <div>Nothing to see here</div>; if (this.state.showBox) { markup = <ColoredBox />; } return markup; } }
The high level component will show the ColoredBox
component until 7500ms have passed. After that time, the showBox
state will be set to false, and the ColoredBox
component will be unmounted. If you open up the console after loading the page, you can verify by the messages being logged that the timer does indeed eventually get cleared.
In React 16, Error Boundaries, a more friendly way to catch errors were introduced. A class component can become an error boundary if it defines a lifecycle method called componentDidCatch
. So what's the idea here?
Error boundaries are components that can catch errors anywhere in component (including any children component they render), and log errors and/or display a fallback UI. The componentDidCatch
lifecycle hook is meant to catch errors during mounting, rendering and in other lifecycle methods.
Here is a simple example from the React Docs
class ErrorBoundary extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { hasError: false }; } componentDidCatch(error, info) { // Display fallback UI this.setState({ hasError: true }); // You can also log the error to an error reporting service logErrorToMyService(error, info); } render() { if (this.state.hasError) { // You can render any custom fallback UI return <h1>Something went wrong.</h1>; } // render anything inside of this component return this.props.children; } }
It could then be used like this:
<ErrorBoundary> <SomeComponent /> </ErrorBoundary>
In short, error boundaries are almost identical to try/catch
blocks (but instead of the imperative try/catch, we use a far more declarative syntax), but for your entire component and any children they render.
Only use error boundaries for recovering from unexpected exceptions; don’t try to use them for control flow.
There are quite a few component life cycle methods and with some of them becoming deprecated as of React 17 - here are the most important ones to keep in mind along with their use cases:
static getDerivedStateFromProps(nextProps, prevState) - Useful for acting on changes in props to trigger changes in state (compare new and previous values if you want to handle changes). Instead of calling setState, you either return an object with new state or null if you do not want a change in state. If a parent component causes a component to re-render, this method will be called even if props have not changed.
componentDidMount() - This is where you will almost always load data so that you can work with a component and DOM. You can call setState in this lifecycle method and will most commonly use this method for AJAX calls.
shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState) - Useful for having very fine control over when your component will re-render. You cannot call setState in this lifecycle method and will use this most in cases where performance is a concern.
componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) - Useful for dpdating the DOM in response to any changes in props or state or for making an AJAX call after a component updates. You can call setState in this lifecycle method.
componentWillUnmount() - Useful for any cleanup in your component (timers / event listeners). You cannot call setState in this lifecycle method.
Complete the component life cycle exercises.