{ API Exercise. }

For this application you will be building an API to store and display user information. Your users should be stored in a database with the following columns:

  • a unique id
  • a unique username which should be not null
  • a password which should be not null
  • a boolean called isAdmin which should default to false

You should implement the following routes and can test these routes out using httpie or postman

  • GET /api/users - this page should list all of the users, but should only be accessible if the user has an isAdmin property of true.

  • GET /api/users/:id - this page should show a specific user's information and should only be accessible by the user logged in or another user that has an isAdmin property of true.

  • PATCH /api/users/:id - this route should update a users information and should only be accessible by the user logged in or another user that has an isAdmin property of true. It should respond with a 200 and the JSON for the updated user

  • DELETE /api/users/:id - this route should delete user and should only be accessible by the user logged in or another user that has an isAdmin property of true. It should respond with a 204 and a message that says "deleted".

  • POST /api/users - this page should create a new user and log them in. It should respond with a status code of 201 and the JSON for the new user created.

  • POST /api/users/login - this page should authenticate a user and if the user successfully authenticates, it should log in the user by responding with a JSON Web Token. Otherwise it should respond with a 400 and an error message

When you're ready, move on to Production Directory Structure


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