{ Constructor Functions. }


By the end of this chapter, you should be able to:

  • Explain what constructor functions are and why they are used
  • Create constructor functions with proper syntax and convention
  • Use the new keyword to create objects from a constructor function
  • Use call and apply inside of a constructor function

The meaning / purpose of a constructor function

Let's imagine that we are tasked with building an application that requires us to create car objects. Each car that we create should have a make, model and year. So we get started by doing something like this:

var car1 = {
    make: "Honda",
    model: "Accord",
    year: 2002
var car2 = {
    make: "Mazda",
    model: "6",
    year: 2008
var car3 = {
    make: "BMW",
    model: "7 Series",
    year: 2012
var car4 = {
    make: "Tesla",
    model: "Model X",
    year: 2016

But notice how much duplication is going on! All of these objects look the same, yet we are repeating ourselves over and over again. It would be really nice to have a blueprint that we could work off of to reduce the amount of code that we have. That "blueprint" is exactly what a constructor function provides! Constructor functions are the closest thing we have to classes in JavaScript.

Here's an introductory video on constructor functions:

Our first constructor function

So what is a constructor function? It's written just like any other function, except that by convention we capitalize the name of the function to denote that it is a constructor. We call these functions constructors because their job is to construct objects. Here is what a constructor function to create car objects might look like. Notice the capitalization of the name of the function; this is a best practice when creating constructor functions so that other people know what kind of function it is.

function Car(make, model, year){
    this.make = make;
    this.model = model;
    this.year = year;

So how do constructor functions actually "construct" these objects? Through the new keyword that we saw before. To construct a new Car, use new:

var probe = new Car('Ford', 'Probe', 1993);
var cmax = new Car('Ford', 'C-Max', 2014);

probe.make;  // Returns "Ford"
cmax.year;   // Returns 2014

This video provides more examples of using constructor functions with the keyword new:

Let's quickly refresh our memory about what the new keyword does.

What does the new keyword do?

When new is used, the following happens:

  1. An empty object is created,
  2. The keyword this inside of the constructor function refers to the empty object that was just created,
  3. A return this is added to the constructor function (this is why you don't need to explicitly return any value),
  4. An internal link is created between the object and the .prototype property on the constructor function. We can actually access this link on the object that is created: it is called __proto__, sometimes pronounced "dunder" (double underscore) proto.
function Car(make, model, year){
    this.make = make;
    this.model = model;
    this.year = year;

var car = new Car("Buatti", "Chiron", 2017);
car.__proto__ === Car.prototype // true

The constructor property

Every single .prototype object has a property called constructor that points back to the original function. Let's look at an example:

function Person(firstName, lastName) {
    this.firstName = firstName;
    this.lastName = lastName;

Person.prototype.constructor === Person // true

We'll explore prototypes in more detail in the next section.


Many other programming languages have a concept of classes. In languages like Python or Java there is an explicit way of creating classes which are then used to create an instance of the class. Therefore, a class is like a blueprint for how to build something, and the instance is a construction of that blueprint. If we have a Car class, we have only one class, but there may be many instances of cars. For example, a car class can make an instance of a Ford Probe or an instance of a Bugatti Chiron. Both are instances of a car, but there is only one car class (or blueprint).

In JavaScript we DO NOT have classes built into the language. Instead, as a JavaScript programmer we mimic object oriented programming and classes using JavaScript constructor functions and the new keyword.

Using call with constructors

This video explores how we can use constructor functions along with call to set explicit bindings of the keyword this:

In JavaScript, there is no way to make a traditional "class". Similarly, in JavaScript, there is no explicit way for one constructor function to inherit from another.

Instead, JavaScript has prototypal inheritance. To borrow the functionality from one constructor and use it in another, we would use the call method. Below is an example. Notice that the Motorcycle constructor function has an additional property that Vehicle does not. Conceptually, the Motorcycle "class" is inheriting from the Vehicle "class".

function Vehicle(make,model,year){
    this.make = make;
    this.model = model;
    this.year = year;

function Motorcycle(make,model,year,motorcycleType){
    this.motorcycleType = motorcycleType;

var moto = new Motorcycle("Kawasaki", "Ninja 500", 2006, "Sports")

Here's a recap of what we've learned about OOP so far:


Complete the Constructor Functions Exercise

When you're ready, move on to Prototypes


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